How Tranquil Store Co-Founder Stephanie Caballero-Martin is championing gender inclusivity in the CBD industry

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The CDB Industry is undoubtedly wide and thriving. It is one of the few sectors that is actually witnessing a boom in the middle of the COVID -19 pandemic . As the era of stay-at-home self care rises, the demand for CBD-based products follows a corresponding high. However, despite the multitude of brands and stores operating within this space, it is rare to find one which keeps the needs of women front and centre like Tranquil Store.

“I have always suffered from severe menstrual cramps,” Tranquil Store co-founder Stephanie Caballero-Martin shares. “ I was always told that after I had children, my cramps would be easier to manage. That was certainly not the case for me after having our son.  My symptoms became more unbearable. I started doing more research and saw that woman were using CBD to help ease the many symptoms (such as cramps, back pain, headaches etc) endured during that time of the month.  This was a big part of the blueprint when my husband and I decided to start Tranquil. I specifically wanted to ensure women were accounted for when we were choosing our products,” Stephanie concludes.

Being a mother and a wife, one of the most challenging aspects of entrepreneurship for Stephanie has been balancing it all.

“I am very blessed to call myself a mompreneur,” Stephanie says. ”When my family and I decided that we wanted to venture into the world of entrepreneurship, my life and the many hats I wear took on a totally different meaning. Being a mompreneur is a blessing, because I am able to spend more time with our son  at home as opposed to being away in an office. However, things were a bit more challenging for me in the beginning. I had to find the balance with being a wife, mother, managing certain aspects of the business and finding time for myself.  There were times when I  though I was delusional for thinking that this could even work. I desperately wanted to give up.”

Despite being confronted with the harsh realities of being running a family business out of her home, Stephanie did not back down in the face of the challenge. 

“Although the responsibilities are challenging, I am very happy with my decision and wouldn’t change it for the world,” she asserts.

Stephanie has a bold and vivid vision for the future of Tranquil Store, the CBD product line she runs with her husband, Alec Martin.

“ Before I met my husband I was nervous at the thought of owning a business,”Stephanie admits. “I believed the market was too saturated  and the thought of stepping out of the norm was unreachable for me. With his encouragement and support, I don’t hesitate any more about business ventures. We are still a new company, but I have goals to see Tranquil go international. We have a lot to prove to the world, that Tranquil is not just another CBD company. Our products work and we are here to help people live better, healthier lives.”