Alec De Layno Martin Of Tranquil Store Shares Practical Values That Will Help You Grow As An Entrepreneur

Alec De Layno Martin Of Tranquil Store Shares Practical Values That Will Help You Grow As An Entrepreneur

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Alec De Layno Martin Of Tranquil Store Shares Practical Values That Will Help You Grow As An Entrepreneur

At a time when many 18-year-old high school graduates were busy chasing one fad or the other, Alec Delayno Martin started his first business. The 29-year old serial entrepreneur is now the founder of Tranquil Store, a US-based CBD company designed to help individuals with anxiety and sleeping disorders. He also runs a chain of successful businesses in fashion, entertainment, finance, and real estate.

The Jamaican-born entrepreneur has a set of values that he has practiced judiciously over his 11-year career. Implementing these values,  as you start and scale your businesses, will help you grow astronomically.

Practicing Self-Care

As a budding entrepreneur, you have probably heard that you need to work around the clock, and burn your candle from both ends. You might be passionate about your business, but remember that you can only give as much as you have.

“I believe the focus should be on yourself first,” Delayno says. “ Taking care of yourself gives you the opportunity to keep a level playing field which helps to overcome any obstacle and grab success.”

Take periodic breaks from work to engage in activities that help you relax and unwind. Practicing self-care exercises regularly will give you greater clarity on your purpose and even help you focus on work better.

Customer is King

Starting a business is not about having fancy titles and making a 7-figure income. The core of a successful business is the customer. The primary aim of a successful entrepreneur is to satisfy the customer. Similarly, your business solutions should be designed to bridge a specific gap in the market. Delayno’s path to creating Tranquil Store follows this same logic. 

“After years of trying ineffective sleep aids and prescription medications with undesired side effects, we came across CBD and gave it a try. I started doing my research & talking with others around, then I realized many people struggled with stress, anxiety, and depression daily. Tranquil Store was started to help ourselves, friends, and now the world. Our products are available around the globe for everyone like us.

Beyond solving his customer’s problem, Delayno goes further to incorporate a level of diversity that is missing in the current CBD market. 

“ I offer a wide variety of quality premium CBD products, from Vegan Gummies, to healthy CBD Granola bars, quality Flower, different Tincture flavors, soft gels, and Lollipops. I’ll be changing the market soon with a new product that I can’t speak on too much.”

Do it better

Competition exists in every industry, especially when the demand for the product or service is booming. Do not take this to mean that your market is saturated. It is, instead, an opportunity to distinguish yourself.

Pay close attention to everything that is going on in your industry, at every point in time. Learn from the competition. Study what they do, and do it better. 

A great way to aid your growth is to invest in mentorship and coaching. Follow the teachings of those who have achieved everything you seek. You can also learn and be inspired by others through reading. Every entrepreneur should read at least two great books in a month. 

Follow Delayno’s reading list to kickstart your business library. He currently recommends;

  • Rise and Grind: Outperform, Outwork, and Outhustle Your Way to a More Successful and Rewarding Life by Daymond John and Daniel Paisner
  • The Power of Broke by Daymond John
  • The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau, and Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

Read More: Changing The London Hemp Landscape: Alec De Layno Martin (Astyle Alive) and Tranquil Store Gears Up For The UK

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